
Value: $70,000
$70,000 (Click here)

Story: Mr. Anatomy was a rich man who worked his struck it rich in the stock market. During his life he's met with 10, shall we say, very interesting celebrities that he became very good friends with. In his will he even promised his entire fortune to be split amongst his celebrity friends should he pass away. 

However, chaos ensued amongst his manor one day...It was a rainy night during a party where he invited all of his 10 celebrity misfit friends. The storm got worse and lighting struck the electricity out. For about 30 seconds, the whole entire manor was pitch black and very silent except for a few footsteps. The power came back on with a loud scream. It was Mr. Anatomy's. The police arrived after a few of the celebrities called and they could find no traces of evidence. Mr. Anatomy was no where to be found.

If you can find out who killed Mr. Anatomy, with what weapon, and where in the manor the killing took place. You will earn a small amount of Mr. Anatomy's fortune for the pot.  He also included in his will, should he murdered, whoever should find his killer will receive $70,000.

There is a deck of 30 Cluedo cards:
- Winona Ryder
- Michael Jackson
- Nick Nolte
- Diana Ross
- Bill Clinton
- Martha Stewart
- Ozzy Osborne
- Trista "The Bachlorette"
- Anna Nicole Smith
- Jerry Springer
- Poison
- Dagger
- Handgun
- Chainsaw
- Wooden Plank
- Noose
- Candleholder
- Trap Door
- Chandelier
- Loose Stair
- Entranceway
- Dining Room
- Kitchen
- Master Bedroom
- Library
- Study
- Living Room
- Patio
- Greenhouse
- Pool

A combination of 1 WHO, 1 WHAT, and 1 WHERE cards will determine the answer to the mystery. Each player will be given 1 Cluedo cards.

The game will start with a trivia question. The first player to buzz in will be allowed to either make an interrogation or draw a card for their hand.

Should the decide to make an interrogation, they are allowed to make an interrogation on Mr. Anatomy's murder by saying "I believe <who>, killed Mr. Anatomy, with the <what>, in the <where>."

Each player who can disprove the players theory must do so by showing the cards that were incorrect to that player. Using the process of elimination, the players must find the 3 cards that are missing. As the game progresses the game will become easier. 

When a player finally interrogates the correct combination of 3 cards, then the game is over and that player will have the option of adding $70,000 to the pot or taking an exemption.