"The Prisoner's Dillema"

Current Value: $60,000
$30,000 (Click here)

The players will compete in pairs, in a game called The Prisoner's Dillema.

Each player will be presented with a sum of money. Each player will decide whether to COOPERATE and split the money or COMPETE and steal all the money for himself. Here's what happens:
Should both players choose cooperate, each will earn half the sum
Should 1 player choose to cooperate, and 1 compete, then the competitor will take the whole sum and the cooperator will get nothing.
Should both players choose compete, both of the players earnings up to that point are lost.

Each pair's sums will add up to $10,000 for a possibility of $30,000 on the line.

Finally, the two players who have the highest totals will play a final game of The Prisoner's Dilemma for $30,000. The player with the highest total will earn an exemption.