You have just entered room "EntertainmentTeam."
Kimberly6232 has entered the room.
Rescue1504 has entered the room.
mystik7777777 has entered the room.
ThaPauly has entered the room.
mystik7777777: Howdy :-)
ThaPauly: hey hey
Kimberly6232: Heloooo
Rescue1504: Hello
: my font is gross
: Nice to meet you Erin. I think I know everybody else at least a little.
Kimberly6232: Could be worse. I hate Times New Roman. lol
mystik7777777: I don't know any of you, huh? :-)
Itsa me Karl: Well looks like we're all in. Since your group was confirmed first, you will play your challenge first.
: okey-dokey
Itsa me Karl: Now I gave you 5 TV shows to watch. This game will test how well you watched and comprehended them.
Itsa me Karl
: You will select a TV show and will have 45 seconds to summarize it.
: O.o
Rescue1504: wow...
Itsa me Karl
: Based on your summary, you will earn up to $4000 per show based a criteria sheet of keywords for each show.
Itsa me Karl
: With 5 shows, that's a possible $20,000 that can be made by your group.
Itsa me Karl
: However, we can make that $40,000...
: woo
: ahh
Kimberly6232: Oh yeah.
Itsa me Karl: As a group, you must wager how much of the $20,000 you think you will earn. If you wager comes within $3000 of what you actually do make, I will double your earnings at the end of this game.
: wow
: ok, how well does everyone know each show?
Kimberly6232: Can we talk about it for just a second?
Kimberly6232: I have got Celebrity Mole down for sure.
Itsa me Karl: There is no time limit on your decision, keep in mind that the other team is anxiously awaiting.
: I think I'm in the wrong group...but I did see Idol
: Anybody do Spongebob?
ThaPauly: I think I can do King of Queens, and I caught like 5 minutes of sponge bob.
Rescue1504: I watched American idol and Celeb mole
: What about 12000?
: or more, because they're all pretty covered
: no objections
Kimberly6232: Okay so between us we've got Idol, Mole, King of Queens and maybe Spongebob. That's 12-16,000?
Kimberly6232: I agree with Erin - $12,000
ThaPauly: I recorded friends, but didn't watch it. :-(
Rescue1504: yeah me too
: I saw the preview for it ;-)
Rescue1504: lol
: Okay, so who votes to go with $12,000?
Itsa me Karl: Okay, I guess we're set.
: I do.
mystik7777777: Me
: sounds good.
Itsa me Karl: 5 TV shows...which one would you like to conquer first?
: I'll try Mole I guess if nobody else is ready to try?
Rescue1504: up to y'all, maybe mole?
: okie
: Mole, I think everyone saw it, we can all throw stuff out.
Kimberly6232: Can we all work together?
Kimberly6232: Not just one person for one show, right?
mystik7777777: Well, I didn't see it, but I can watch :-)
Itsa me Karl: All of you will work together to summarize
Itsa me Karl
: You have chosen Celebrity Mole, time starts on my cue.
Itsa me Karl
: ...
Itsa me Karl
: ...
Itsa me Karl
: GO!
: Erik passes exemption
ThaPauly: baldwin cabana boy
Kimberly6232: In order to get to floating money, Kathy, Corbin, Frederique and Michael have to put a boat together before Erik rented a kayak from Cabana boy Stephen Baldwin to win an exemption
ThaPauly: looky looky hot pepper challenge
Rescue1504: the 5 mice
: fredereique won't eat a pepper
Rescue1504: determined the pepper
: page 17 ripped out of journals
Kimberly6232: Corbin was executed
Itsa me Karl: STOP
: Corbin executed
Itsa me Karl: I won't reveal how well you did until both teams have gone.
: ok
Rescue1504: ok
Itsa me Karl
: One down, 4 TV shows left. What will it be?
: Idol
: yeah
: idol will be tought
mystik7777777: Or do idol last?
: tough*
ThaPauly: we can try it
mystik7777777: okay
: have to do it sooner or later
Kimberly6232: We've gotta do them all anyway, might as well go for it.
mystik7777777: Yeah, and it's the only one I really know
Itsa me Karl
: You have chosen American Idol 2, time starts on my cue.
Itsa me Karl
: ...
Itsa me Karl
: GO!
: Crazy guy named Edgar
Kimberly6232: Simon and Paula and Randy
ThaPauly: one of the contestants has son
Rescue1504: The three judges, Randy Jackson, Simon Cowell, and Paula Abdul were in Miami New York and Austin auditioning people
Itsa me Karl
: you must summarize contestants sorry
: X-(
Rescue1504: The Nathan guy who got really angry at them
Itsa me Karl
: I'll give you an extra 15 seconds
: Who had the son, what's his name?
Kimberly6232: Okay, one guy was going to have a baby that day
mystik7777777: one guy with his knocked-up wife
Kimberly6232: There were two twins who both got through to hollywood
ThaPauly: There were some twins
Rescue1504: The twins were the first to make it to hollywood
Itsa me Karl
: Someone sang sanatra, I believe, got in
Kimberly6232: Guy in a wizard suit
Itsa me Karl: 2 TV shows down, 3 to go, What will it be?
: hmm
: ug, this is harder than I thought
Kimberly6232: Paul, can you do King of Queens?
ThaPauly: I think
Kimberly6232: Let's do that next
ThaPauly: ::gulps::
mystik7777777: k
: ok good luck
: **cheers wildly*** Go Paul!
Itsa me Karl: You have selected King of Queens, the objective is to summarize the show trying to match as many keywords.
Itsa me Karl
: Time Starts on my Cue...
Itsa me Karl
: GO!
: personalized playing cards, superbowl party, car crash, cancled his dentist appointment to prove she wasn't thinking about him
ThaPauly: evalution
ThaPauly: haunted house
ThaPauly: ben and jerry's cart
ThaPauly: petting zoo (LOL)
ThaPauly: big screen TV
ThaPauly: egg rolls
Itsa me Karl: TIME
: GAA!
Kimberly6232: Geez, what the heck was that all about? lol
ThaPauly: I was just spewing things out
Kimberly6232: haunted houses and ben & jerry's? maybe I should've watched. lol
Itsa me Karl: It makes a lot of sense if you actually watched the show :-)
Rescue1504: good job, I think lol
: And I missed all that? ;-)
ThaPauly: lmao
ThaPauly: ok, I'm done, LOL
Itsa me Karl: Friends and Spongebob Squarpants left. What will it be?
: Do friends
Kimberly6232: I wasn't criticizing, just noticing that it musta been pretty wild
mystik7777777: okay, friends
: ok
: that way i can recooperate
Engaging Wonder has entered the room.
Itsa me Karl: Takes two to confirm, you have selected Friends.
: Friends is cool
Engaging Wonder: did that happen
Itsa me Karl: Now spying Jeff!
Itsa me Karl
: (No)
: Er, I think he wants you to leave Jeffaroo.
mystik7777777: :-\
Kimberly6232: lol
Engaging Wonder: *makes off*
ThaPauly: lol
Engaging Wonder has left the room.
Itsa me Karl: Jeff, please return to the News Room, lol.
Itsa me Karl
: ...Anyways, your time starts on my cue. You must match keywords on the show.
Itsa me Karl
: GO!
: phoebe, rachael, ross, coffee shop
Itsa me Karl: obviously...
: I didn't watch it, okay? Just throwing out anything
Kimberly6232: lol
Rescue1504: they're friends... lol
: they got engaged, right?
Itsa me Karl
Itsa me Karl
: ...That was interesting.
: oh we did well there.
Rescue1504: that was the best round yet... lol
: lol
: go team go!
: high five!
Itsa me Karl: And without any delay, let's go to Spongebob.
Itsa me Karl
: Like in many cartoons, spongebob was split into 2 shows.
Itsa me Karl
: You will have a minute 15 seconds, to summarize the show trying to match keywords.
Itsa me Karl
: However, you can still only gain $4000 for this show.
Itsa me Karl
: Time starts on my cue...
Itsa me Karl
: GO!
: all I know is that one octopus guy gets a snail, and it an gary(?) race, and gary blows up because sponebob pushes him to hard and the other snail(female) goes back and they fall in love and that starfish guy's rock wins but he gave
Kimberly6232: Um, he's got square pants.
mystik7777777: pineapple, sea, spongebob
: wow paul
Rescue1504: that good paul
: he works at a hamburger thing
: thats
: squidward
: it to the octopus guy but the name was wrong (tortillini?) then sandi kick spinge bob and says "That's for yestersay" or something and they all laugh and it ends.
ThaPauly: that's all i saw
mystik7777777: lol!
mystik7777777: he's yellow
Rescue1504: lol that's great
: and goes jellyfishing
Itsa me Karl
: and likes to party
: he can dry out I guess
Itsa me Karl
: well congratulations, I guess, group you may now head back to the main room
: you guess?
ThaPauly: I don't like the sound of that
mystik7777777: how did we do?
: That doesn't sound too encouraging.
Itsa me Karl: You'll find out.
: no it doesn't
has left the room.
Kimberly6232 has left the room.
mystik7777777 has left the room.
Rescue1504 has left the room.