You have just entered room "NewsTeam."
JulietAMontique has entered the room.
Charlie Girl 63 has entered the room.
Trebuchet196 has entered the room.
BlackFalconKN has entered the room.
Trebuchet196: ...
Trebuchet196: ....
Itsa me Karl: Hello all, since the
Entertainment group was
confirmed first they will play their
game first.
BlackFalconKN: fine by me
Itsa me Karl: I'll deal with you all later.
(evil laughter)
Trebuchet196: Oh goodie
Charlie Girl 63: lol
BlackFalconKN: why should Karl be
laughing? you'd think the mole would
JulietAMontique: okay then running to the
tv real quick
BlackFalconKN: I'll just watch my dog
chew on her bone until the time comes,
I guesss
Charlie Girl 63: one of my kitten won't leave
me alone
Trebuchet196: Ill watch my fish be boring
(thats what they do best)
Charlie Girl 63: lol
BlackFalconKN: hehe I love kittens, but
one pet is enough for me right now
Charlie Girl 63: I bet my kitty would like your
BlackFalconKN: yeah, but fish are relaxing
JulietAMontique: okay I think 1 chick
slept with him
Trebuchet196: How many do you have at the
moment, Alice...last time I spoke to you it
was about 23 or something...
JulietAMontique: he got his mojo on
Charlie Girl 63: I have a few pets
Trebuchet196: LOL...only a few?
Charlie Girl 63: only
Charlie Girl 63: lol
BlackFalconKN: are they all inside or they
outside cats?
Trebuchet196: 22) dog - Smokey (male),
cats - (males) Gizmo, Mr. Socks, Peppi,
Boomer, Tommy, Raulph, Calvin, Clien,
Jack'o, Pistel & Pete (females) Kattie, Tiger
Lilly, Nelly, Sugar, Spice, Garfield, Silvey,
Butch, Gidget & Lucky
Charlie Girl 63: inside
Charlie Girl 63: lol....camm
JulietAMontique: OMG
BlackFalconKN: wow
BlackFalconKN: that's a lot of cats
Charlie Girl 63: yes I know
Trebuchet196: The poor dog feels inferior
Charlie Girl 63: I'm crazy
Charlie Girl 63: lol
BlackFalconKN: either that or the dog has
himself an army
JulietAMontique: Do you have a big
Charlie Girl 63: he thinks he's a cat also
JulietAMontique: that works
Charlie Girl 63: pretty big
Charlie Girl 63: and 2 and 1/2 acers
Charlie Girl 63: they go outside a lot
BlackFalconKN: ah, nice big yard... that's
what I hope for...
BlackFalconKN: so I can have more
huskies :-D
Charlie Girl 63: house is 2200 square feet
Charlie Girl 63: lol
Trebuchet196: <--- has no idea how big that
Trebuchet196: LOL
BlackFalconKN: heh
BlackFalconKN: well, how many bedroom
Charlie Girl 63: ummm 5 bd, 2 baths 2 living
rooms 2 dinning rooms ect.....
BlackFalconKN: nice setup
Engaging Wonder has entered the room.
Charlie Girl 63: thank you
Itsa me Karl: Jeff is coming
Engaging Wonder: Jeff is here
Trebuchet196: Jeff is come
BlackFalconKN: yay Jeff!
Charlie Girl 63: hi Jeff
Trebuchet196: GDay :-)
Engaging Wonder: Hello :-)
BlackFalconKN: hey Alice, where exactly
is Claremore in OK?
Charlie Girl 63: ever heard of Tulsa?
BlackFalconKN: yah
Charlie Girl 63: I'm about 40 miles north
BlackFalconKN: ah, ok... was curious b/c
I'm at school in Lubbock
Charlie Girl 63: cool
BlackFalconKN: yah, but Houston is my
home... at least until I graduate and get
a job somewhere...
Charlie Girl 63: I really likeTexas
Engaging Wonder: Hey Alice... I don't think
we've met yet
BlackFalconKN: oh yes... great state
Charlie Girl 63: nope
BlackFalconKN: Oklahoma is nice too,
been there a couple times
Charlie Girl 63: nice to meet ya
Engaging Wonder: you too
Charlie Girl 63: thanks I like it here
BlackFalconKN: it's kinda strange to be
the oldest guy and then be younger
than all the ladies...
Itsa me Karl: We're all having fun in
this room aren't we ;-)
Charlie Girl 63: lol
BlackFalconKN: just passing the time
Charlie Girl 63: fun, fun, fun
BlackFalconKN: wonder how the others
are doing
Charlie Girl 63: good I hope
BlackFalconKN: yah, hope so too
BlackFalconKN: *tries to look in other
BlackFalconKN: can't see a thing... oh
Trebuchet196: lol
Charlie Girl 63: lol
BlackFalconKN: hey Camm, is
soccer/football a big thing where you
are in Australia?
Trebuchet196: Not hardly at
barely even exists over here...
Trebuchet196: For example: We havent made
the world cup since the early seventies
BlackFalconKN: wow... strange...
everywhere else I've been to in the world
it's huge
BlackFalconKN: ah, good point
Engaging Wonder: lol whoops
Engaging Wonder: sorry about that karl
Itsa me Karl: Spy!
JulietAMontique: guys I have to go soon
BlackFalconKN: haha, you get caught
JulietAMontique: Karl does everyone
need to be here?
Trebuchet196: Yeah - we are too busy
flogging the rest of the world at cricket,
rugby union, rugby league, swimming and
any other sport we choose to try our hand
BlackFalconKN: awwww, Becki... don't be
like that
mystik7777777 has entered the room.
mystik7777777 has left the room.
Engaging Wonder: heh.. i shouldn't have
started talking as soon as i got in there
BlackFalconKN: haha Camm...
JulietAMontique: I need to file bestfriends
BlackFalconKN: Erin's being sneaky as well
Engaging Wonder: the IRS can wait, this is
JulietAMontique: LOL
BlackFalconKN: I fear the day I have to
actually pay taxes... I
JulietAMontique: okay I will keep popping
back for now
BlackFalconKN: I'm still under my parents
at college, so I don't have to worry
about that yet
BlackFalconKN: sheesh... by the time we
start, will be the HistoryTeam
Charlie Girl 63: lmao kyle
BlackFalconKN: thank you, I'll be here
until Thursday ;-)
Trebuchet196: try the fish ;-)
BlackFalconKN: well, send one my way
Camm :-P
BlackFalconKN: so, who do y'all think is
the mole in Celeb mole?
Itsa me Karl: Well, they're all done.
Trebuchet196: I know who the mole is, so Im
not going to say
Itsa me Karl: Quite a hillarious
Charlie Girl 63: I haven't watched any of it
Engaging Wonder: i think it's Freddie
Trebuchet196: what happened, Karl
BlackFalconKN: uh, what?
BlackFalconKN: ah, Frederique
Itsa me Karl: You'll find out after your
group has gone and we all meet in
the main room.
BlackFalconKN: I think it's Michael
BlackFalconKN: thought it's him from
day one
Engaging Wonder: if it were michael they
wouldn't air corbin and erik talking about
that Arliss clue
Itsa me Karl: Well players, you had 5
topic pages to study and this
group will be tested on what you
absorbed from them.
BlackFalconKN: heh, well, dunno...
Engaging Wonder: it could be Erik though, he
keeps shifting strategies
Itsa me Karl: You will have 3 minutes
to answer 20 questions about the
pages you just looked at.
BlackFalconKN: yah... I actually figured
they'd pick a black person this time...
BlackFalconKN: affirmative action and
Itsa me Karl: For every correct answer
you will earn $1000. With 20
questions, that's a possible
Engaging Wonder: that's why i thought it
might be kim in the beginning..
JulietAMontique: wait what about the
BlackFalconKN: think that was the other
group Becki...
Itsa me Karl: Wrong group Rebecca
:-) (evil laughter)
Itsa me Karl: But to make it interesting,
I'm going to make it possible for
you to double your earnings.
BlackFalconKN: yah, blame Kim for that
BlackFalconKN: oooo
Trebuchet196: Ill take the Mausoleum
guys...Ive read up on that
BlackFalconKN: sounds.... what's the word
I'm looking for.... interesting?
Itsa me Karl: You will guess how
much you will earn within this
game as a group. If you come
within $3000 of what you make, I
will double your earnings.
Itsa me Karl: So out of $20,000 how
much do you think your group can
Engaging Wonder: $20 000. bring it on :-P
Trebuchet196: Hmm...netiquitte and
mausoleum should be OK
BlackFalconKN: heh, I think 17,000
Engaging Wonder: i've got a handle on
Trebuchet196: plant fibres we might be in
Engaging Wonder: 17 000 is smart
BlackFalconKN: that way we're within
3,000 of 20000
Engaging Wonder: yeah
BlackFalconKN: I got the fibres, don't
Engaging Wonder: we could still get 20 000
and double it
Trebuchet196: cool :-)
Trebuchet196: say 17000?
BlackFalconKN: sounds good to me
Itsa me Karl: $17,000 is locked in. You
may not change it.
BlackFalconKN: wow, someone is in a
Trebuchet196: ::deep breath::
Itsa me Karl: The questions and the
time limit will start within my cue.
Itsa me Karl: ...
Itsa me Karl: ...
Engaging Wonder: ...
Itsa me Karl: GO!
Itsa me Karl: 1. On the show "Jonny
Monkey" what would the criminal
always say before being caught by
the monkey?
JERDAWG420697 has entered the room.
BlackFalconKN: not me... anyone got it?
Engaging Wonder: I ain't gonna get caught by
no monkey
Itsa me Karl: 2. Alzheimer’s disease is
the most common form of what?
JulietAMontique: why is this Deju' vu
JulietAMontique: CRS
JERDAWG420697 has left the room.
BlackFalconKN: heh, dream perhaps
Itsa me Karl: 3. Typing in all caps is
considered what in netiquette?
Engaging Wonder: Improper?
Itsa me Karl: 4. What country is the
Mausoleum in?
Itsa me Karl: 1 minute gone
BlackFalconKN: come on Camm
Charlie Girl 63: Turkey
Trebuchet196: Turkey
Itsa me Karl: 5. The ‘crash’ plant fibre
is what weave?
Trebuchet196: PC just froze, sorry
BlackFalconKN: plain
Itsa me Karl: 6. In Alzheimer’s disease,
the brain is reduced in size and _ is
Itsa me Karl: Another minute gone
Engaging Wonder: memory?
Itsa me Karl: 7. What city is the
Mausoleum in?
Trebuchet196: bodrum
Itsa me Karl: 8. When looking for a
virus program, always choose the
program that is always _?
Itsa me Karl: around 30 seconds
Trebuchet196: active
Itsa me Karl: 9. According to Jack
Handey, what object should be the
new peace symbol?
Engaging Wonder: pillows
Itsa me Karl: 10. What did Jack
Handey say after twisting a man’s
arm in a mall?
Engaging Wonder: who's asking the
questions now?
Itsa me Karl: 11. Is the fibre, ‘ixtle’,
weak or strong?
BlackFalconKN: strong
Itsa me Karl: Time is up, but you may
answer this question.
Itsa me Karl: Okay, all of you please
head back to the main room.
BlackFalconKN: hmmm... not bad
Engaging Wonder: there's a main room?
Trebuchet196: LOL
Charlie Girl 63 has left the room.
Engaging Wonder: honestly... i was never
invited into a main room
Engaging Wonder has left the room.
Engaging Wonder has entered the room.
JulietAMontique has left the room.
Trebuchet196 has left the room.