You have just entered room "ExecutionChat."
KermitBJF has entered the room.
BlackFalconKN has entered the room.
Kimberly6232 has entered the room.
Engaging Wonder has entered the room.
BlackFalconKN: yahoo, let's get this show on the road
Engaging Wonder: the execution is right now?
KermitBJF: :-) yay
Engaging Wonder: oh god
Itsa me Karl: not now
: but soon......
Itsa me Karl: i meant a little early, as in getting everyone in a little early
: Hello everybody.
BlackFalconKN: break the ice, yada yada yada
BlackFalconKN: hi Kim
Kimberly6232: How's it going Kyle?
KermitBJF: where is Alice?
BlackFalconKN: real well Kim... got a date in about an hour or so :-D
KermitBJF: what are you doing for your date Kyle?
Engaging Wonder: a date, Kyle?
Engaging Wonder: that's awesome.. so you got around to asking out that girl after all?/
BlackFalconKN: just going out for coffee... have a good time just talking... don't plan on much since it's our first one, and I am a college student, so gotta watch the cash flow
BlackFalconKN: that I did Jeff
Engaging Wonder: :-) congrats
KermitBJF: ah yeah..hopefully your not going to Starbucks..
Kimberly6232: Is it a first date, Kyle?
Kimberly6232: Oh sorry, you already said that.
Kimberly6232: I'm talking to too many people.
Kimberly6232: My brother's got his first date with a girl tonight too
KermitBJF: Ms. Popular..
BlackFalconKN: lol, yeah... no Starbucks... only Starbucks in Lubbock is in Barnes & Nobles
Kimberly6232: Well, you know...:-*
BlackFalconKN: but this is my first date in almost 6 years
KermitBJF: Hahaha..Starbucks isnt easy on the wallet either..
KermitBJF: why is that Kyle?
Engaging Wonder: yeah, must be excited Kyle
Engaging Wonder: because High school dating is silly :-P
KermitBJF: haha yes, yes it is.
BlackFalconKN: heh, Jeff knows where I'm going... yeah, I haven't felt ready for marriage until recently, so no point in dating until now
KermitBJF: true..*sigh* marriage! sheesh
BlackFalconKN: heh, you're getting there Brady... I've know 7 couples getting married this summer
BlackFalconKN: *I know
KermitBJF: Its crazy..people I wnet to highschool with are getting married, its all so fast. I dont want to worry about that until Im financially 25 at least.
Engaging Wonder: though Kyle, what's wrong with at least experimenting in high school... you know, developing the social skills you'll need later in life?
KermitBJF: thats why I date..just, to know what I like and dont like.
KermitBJF: but I guess..I havnet really ever gone on a date that meant anything.
Engaging Wonder: i was going to ask..
Engaging Wonder: eh
BlackFalconKN: true, Jeff... but personally for me I found that I wanted so much more time with friends
KermitBJF: LoL
Kimberly6232: That's just 'cause you're such a ladies man, Brady.
BlackFalconKN: back in high school
Kimberly6232: lol
Engaging Wonder: lol yeah Brady, you ladies man you
KermitBJF: haha..that woul dbe a yes and a no Kimberly.
BlackFalconKN: oh, Erin's on now
KermitBJF: yahoo
MystikalBlondie has entered the room.
Engaging Wonder: welcome Erin
Kimberly6232: Hey Erin!
Itsa me Karl: Erin, not mystikal enough
: Hi :-)
BlackFalconKN: the more the merrier... at least for Karl... he gets to leave us suspense just that much longer
KermitBJF: haha yahoo.
Charlie Girl 63 has entered the room.
BlackFalconKN: hi Alice
Kimberly6232: Alice! Hi.
KermitBJF: Alice! yay
BlackFalconKN: all the ladies are present
KermitBJF: paul..aaron..*sigh* cam.
Kimberly6232: We're reliable like that.
KermitBJF: *camm
Charlie Girl 63: hi sorry I'm late
KermitBJF: oh,'re executed.
Itsa me Karl: Give me a sec to get everything ready.
Charlie Girl 63
: give me just a sec
BlackFalconKN: "reliable"... wasn't quite what I was looking for, but ok ;-)
Kimberly6232: lol
Kimberly6232: What exactly *were* you looking for then?
Kimberly6232: ;-)
BlackFalconKN: you know, I don't know... but reliable wasn't it :-P
Engaging Wonder: just let me finish yelling at this girl in my survivor game.. one second :-)
BlackFalconKN: haha
KermitBJF: Jeff! you bully.
Kimberly6232: What're you yelling at people for?
BlackFalconKN: dude! has anyone met Paul's evil arch nemesis?
Kimberly6232: Man, I'm glad I'm not on your bad side.
KermitBJF: paul has an arch nemesis?
Kimberly6232: don't think so. who's his nemesis?
MystikalBlondie: I like this font! Too bad it's so small ;-)
KermitBJF: ..its regular to me.
Engaging Wonder: they found out I'm not really a cute little asian girl and i've played in that specific survivor series before..
Engaging Wonder: this girl's going to have a stroke
KermitBJF: but your name is this horrible blue color.
Kimberly6232: ROLF
Kimberly6232: *ROFL* even
Charlie Girl 63 has left the room.
KermitBJF: Hahaha!! WAIT. JEFF!! your not a cute asian girl!? *embarassed about the cyber sex*
MystikalBlondie: Everyone's name is blue to me
BlackFalconKN: yeah, I found out last night... I wrote "The Pauly" instead of "ThaPauly" by accident... it's happened quite a few times, apparently, and the guy freaked out for it...
Kimberly6232: Oh yeah! I HAVE met him.
KermitBJF: oh wow.
BlackFalconKN: psycho case, that one
KermitBJF: weird! i want to meet him.
KermitBJF: ooh hes on.
Kimberly6232: Last season, I IMed "The Pauly" and started talking about executions and plans and I think the dude thought I was in the mafia.
BlackFalconKN: I got into a good wit and insult battle with him... I won, twice... good times
Kimberly6232: I expected the FBI to come and bust my door in.
Engaging Wonder: LOL
BlackFalconKN: be forewarned Brady
KermitBJF: haha..:-)
Kimberly6232: He's not a pleasant guy.
MystikalBlondie: I IMed the poor guy
KermitBJF: just IMed him..if he gets an attitude, his ass is blocked.
BlackFalconKN: if he starts yelling at you, just tell him "Yeah? what about "elemants""
KermitBJF: hahaa
Kimberly6232: *still disappointed that Jeff is not a hot Asian chick*
MystikalBlondie: rofl! He says he's sick of this $hit
KermitBJF: you are? you didnt have cyber sex with him.
Kimberly6232: No Brady, that was you.
BlackFalconKN: he got ticked off at me for putting "e" instead of "a", and then after about 5 minutes of him going off with a bunch of BS, he writes "elemants"... man, he was screwed after that
KermitBJF: haha
Itsa me Karl: Let's begin.
: He was pretty mad last season when I IMed him. I can imagine how fed up he is now.
BlackFalconKN: we're not going to wait for Alice to get back? oh well
MystikalBlondie: The Pauly: hell, it's a stupid game, people take it WAY too seriously
Kimberly6232: If he's never played, how does he know how seriously we take it?
BlackFalconKN: it is a game... competitive people play games seriously
KermitBJF: :-) and it IS a serious game.
MystikalBlondie: He's pissed at me now, I think ;-)
Kimberly6232: No doubt
BlackFalconKN: be careful... his sarcasm level is that of Comic Book Guy on the simpsons
Engaging Wonder: Engaging Wonder: so how about that last exemption challenge, paul? who do you think is the mole?
KermitBJF: hahaha! i love that guy.
Engaging Wonder: The Pauly: hell, who gives a shit, i'm thinking about just quitting
Kimberly6232: That Simpsons reference almost makes me want to talk to him again.
MystikalBlondie: heh...Thanks Jeff. I'm asking him about that
Itsa me Karl: Is everyone ready?
: Alas, he was pretty evil to me last time.
Kimberly6232: Ready Karl
BlackFalconKN: I think all 10 of us should get online one time, and simultaneously just start asking him about the game
KermitBJF: Ready!
Engaging Wonder: ready
KermitBJF: ooh! good idea.
BlackFalconKN: bring it (ready)
MystikalBlondie: ready
Charlie Girl 63 has entered the room.
BlackFalconKN: welcome back Alice
BlackFalconKN: you're just in time
Itsa me Karl: Who here thinks they know who the mole is?
Charlie Girl 63
: thanks....I hope
BlackFalconKN: I've got a fairly good idea...
Kimberly6232: Yeah, got 'em pegged.
BlackFalconKN: not going to bet the farm on it, but ehhh...
Itsa me Karl: Who here thinks they are executed tonight?
: I know who it isnt.
Engaging Wonder: i wouldn't be surprised, karl
Charlie Girl 63: no comment
KermitBJF: I have the feeling, but..ill be upset because im having a good time.
MystikalBlondie: I don't think I am executed
Kimberly6232: I was just kidding about having them pegged. I could go (??)
BlackFalconKN: for executed, my guess is Aaron, but just a guess
Itsa me Karl: Well, before we begin to find out who really is executed, let's discuss this Level 2 business.
: I'm soooo gonna post this IM on the message board
KermitBJF: well yahoo, ok!
BlackFalconKN: fearing... please hold
Itsa me Karl: Kyle, as the first player to reach Level 2, you have gained the only neutralizer in the game.
: you don't say....
Itsa me Karl: As long as your in this game, your neutralizer stays intact and you may use it before any challenge.
: you may commence begging....... now :-P
Itsa me Karl: So, Kyle, you're going to use it now?
Charlie Girl 63
: lol
BlackFalconKN: um, no... want to see who's gone tonight
KermitBJF: *well* great..the person I had an argument with!
BlackFalconKN: mwahaha
Engaging Wonder: theres a 1/3 chance that wont matter after tonight, brady
Itsa me Karl: Well, let's all travel to the little mole's safehouse.
: true.
BlackFalconKN: 1/3??
MystikalBlondie: what about the second person to level 2? ;-)
KermitBJF: yeah..either me or you going.
MystikalBlondie has left the room.
Engaging Wonder: either of you could go, karl
Charlie Girl 63 has left the room.
BlackFalconKN: ah...
BlackFalconKN has left the room.
KermitBJF has left the room.
Kimberly6232 has left the room.
Itsa me Karl: Hey Jeff
Engaging Wonder
has left the room.
Engaging Wonder has entered the room.
BlackFalconKN has entered the room.
BlackFalconKN: hey.... Jeff's still in here
Engaging Wonder: lol. this is my first time doing this.. sorry
BlackFalconKN: haha, np... so you're safe too?
Engaging Wonder: that i am
BlackFalconKN: sweet
BlackFalconKN: and now we wait
Engaging Wonder: i'll take this waiting over waiting in that other room any day
BlackFalconKN: hehe
KermitBJF has entered the room.
BlackFalconKN: congrats Brady
Engaging Wonder: yay
KermitBJF: Jesus CHRIST!
BlackFalconKN: prepare to be neutralized :-P
BlackFalconKN: j/k
KermitBJF: :-)
Engaging Wonder: >:D
KermitBJF: I was screaming the whole time..and like shaking during the 25 secs
BlackFalconKN: hehe... mine actually felt like 15 secs
KermitBJF: ugh! jerk :-)
BlackFalconKN: kind of a "wow, that was fast"
KermitBJF: i had a watch
Engaging Wonder: me too
BlackFalconKN: oh, I don't wear one
Engaging Wonder: and i swear the time stopped on 16 seconds
BlackFalconKN: my cell phone has the time, so that's good enough
KermitBJF: haha mines a burger king watch
BlackFalconKN: sweet... you got one of the crowns?
Engaging Wonder: i have a rice krispies watch
Engaging Wonder: i have a crown!
KermitBJF: No! its a simpsons watch.
BlackFalconKN: tight... I dunno where the last crown I got is... lost it while I moved last year (I think)
KermitBJF: Ive never gotten one..I hate burger king.
Engaging Wonder: mine's right next to me! *puts on crown*
KermitBJF: Its too mayonaissy
KermitBJF: Man Jeff!
KermitBJF: take a picture
BlackFalconKN: what's your place to go then, Brady?
Engaging Wonder: a bunch of my friends work there so i go a lot... but it's a horrible restaurant
MystikalBlondie has entered the room.
KermitBJF: McDonalds number 2! :-) cheeseburgers
BlackFalconKN: hey Erin!
MystikalBlondie: Hey hey
KermitBJF: erin! thats obvious
Kimberly6232 has entered the room.
BlackFalconKN: is it Brady? IS IT?
BlackFalconKN: uh oh
KermitBJF: it IS!
Engaging Wonder: Kimberly! hurrah!
BlackFalconKN: this is fast
KermitBJF: Kim!
Kimberly6232: Hellooooo!
Kimberly6232: :-)
BlackFalconKN: coming in too fast... you two safe?
MystikalBlondie: Hi :-)
Itsa me Karl: Kim, please leave the other room.
: poor Alice
KermitBJF: how sacry
KermitBJF: scary
MystikalBlondie: How sad :-(
Engaging Wonder: i knew it was going to be Alice
BlackFalconKN: this is what happened to Rebecca
KermitBJF: it could be paul! or aaron
BlackFalconKN: may not be... could be one of the guys not here
Kimberly6232: It's alice
KermitBJF: it is
KermitBJF: ?
Kimberly6232: yea
BlackFalconKN: did you two volunteer?
MystikalBlondie: Itsa me Karl: AliceItsa me Karl: I'm sorry Alice you are the mole's second victim.
: :-( oh
BlackFalconKN: doh...
BlackFalconKN: so, the winner from mr2 is gone....
KermitBJF: how strange
BlackFalconKN: yeah...
Engaging Wonder: and the mole from MR1
BlackFalconKN: yup
Charlie Girl 63 has entered the room.
MystikalBlondie: the 2 runner-ups from TMR1 are still here :-)
Engaging Wonder: hi Alice
BlackFalconKN: rock on to that Erin *high five*
BlackFalconKN: hey Alice :-(
Itsa me Karl: Okay, Alice, if you have anything to say to the group please say it now.
: Ick! I hate that red
Itsa me Karl: Group, anything to Alice go ahead.
Charlie Girl 63
: Well I would like to say I had a blast
KermitBJF has left the room.
MystikalBlondie: Alice, it was fun
Engaging Wonder: You're too young to die
MystikalBlondie: That quiz was HARD
BlackFalconKN: it was a fun time Alice... take care of those cats
Engaging Wonder: that quiz was hell
Kimberly6232: Yeah, Alice. We're so sorry to see you go.
Charlie Girl 63: this is a little tougher than I thought it would be
BlackFalconKN: heh, we'll see ya at the reunion... and we can chat about other stuff until then
Charlie Girl 63: thanks to all you guys.........have fun!
MystikalBlondie: Yeah! You have all our IM names
MystikalBlondie: K.I.T.
Charlie Girl 63: K Kyle
Engaging Wonder: talk to you soon Alice
KermitBJF has entered the room.
KermitBJF: well..I guess a hardware malfunction isnt great.
Itsa me Karl: Okay Alice, I'll send you your exit interview in the meantime.
: quit jamming peanut butter in your drives, Brady.
Charlie Girl 63: Bye, .......I love you guys!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Alice
BlackFalconKN: heh, Brady...
Kimberly6232: Bye Alice!
BlackFalconKN: back at ya Alice
KermitBJF: Bye Alice!! I love you!
MystikalBlondie: Bye Alice
Engaging Wonder: See ya later, Alice
Charlie Girl 63 has left the room.
Itsa me Karl: And with that, this concludes Week 2's Execution. You may stay after if you like.
: Pink. That's so befitting to a hot asian chick, Jeff.
BlackFalconKN: Kim... ??
Itsa me Karl: Good luck this round, players.
: oh, his name?
BlackFalconKN: is in pink?
Kimberly6232: yeah. Looks pink to me.
MystikalBlondie: um...what about the neutralizer?
Kimberly6232: Not to you?
BlackFalconKN: ah, it's yellow on mine... it's different every time for everyone
Engaging Wonder: *struts her stuff*
BlackFalconKN: oh wow
KermitBJF: its grey.
BlackFalconKN: well, I'm going to take a shower, because... well, better safe than sorry, right? ;-)
Kimberly6232: Okay, okay, nevermind. Looked pink to me.
MystikalBlondie: all the names are blue on mine :-(
Kimberly6232: Good luck with the date, Kyle
Engaging Wonder: have fun tonight Kyle
KermitBJF: good idea :-) have fun Kyle
BlackFalconKN: I plan on it... laters all
BlackFalconKN has left the room.
MystikalBlondie: bye kyle
KermitBJF: Alice I wasnt really suspecting.
Itsa me Karl: Anyone want to look at the message board?
Engaging Wonder
: she was the one person that wasn't on my list in some way or another
Engaging Wonder: just like rebecca before her
KermitBJF: looking?
MystikalBlondie: we're there, dude
Engaging Wonder: hm... next i choose to take... Kyle off my list *crosses fingers*
Kimberly6232: What exactly are we s'posed to be looking at on the message board?
MystikalBlondie: That's what I'm wondering too, Kim
Itsa me Karl: Look through the AOL Instant Messenger post to the end.
: Alice! gone!
KermitBJF: fuzzed out..from our memories..forever
Engaging Wonder: or until the next time she logs on...
KermitBJF: shhh!
MystikalBlondie: :-(
KermitBJF: where is aaron and paul?
KermitBJF: *are
MystikalBlondie: where those letters always pink?
MystikalBlondie: n/m
Itsa me Karl: I was trying to fix the banner problem, but I instead turned the letters pink.
Itsa me Karl
: All of you have surveys in your mail boxes. Fill them out and DO NOT SHARE your answers with anyone.