You have just entered room "MoleSafehouse."
MystikalBlondie has entered the room.
BlackFalconKN has entered the room.
KermitBJF has entered the room.
Kimberly6232 has entered the room.
Charlie Girl 63 has entered the room.
BlackFalconKN: so, leave the other room, yes?
Itsa me Karl: Yeah
Itsa me Karl
: Someone tell Jeff to get in here
: wait..what does this room mean?
BlackFalconKN: didley squat
Itsa me Karl: Basically, one by one we're going to trickle into the other room when you're safe.
: well..ok.
Engaging Wonder has entered the room.
Engaging Wonder: sorry!
BlackFalconKN: there we go
Itsa me Karl: There we go.
: ummm... that wasn't planned, I swear
KermitBJF: LoL
Itsa me Karl: Okay, as always, whoever steps up to the plate will wait IN SILENCE for 25 seconds.
Itsa me Karl
: If I interrupt that silence, you're gone. However, otherwise you are safe.
Engaging Wonder
: oh god, that's horrible
KermitBJF: really is.
Engaging Wonder: so much worse than the red or green letters
Kimberly6232: Karl is a sadistic monkey
BlackFalconKN: that he is
KermitBJF: please type sadisticmonkey to answer.
BlackFalconKN: lol
Engaging Wonder: yeah, well... i'm not getting caught by no monkey!
Itsa me Karl: Okay, unlike last time. No bowl©. So I need a volunteer.
: what the heck, I'll volunteer
Engaging Wonder: i'll go first
Engaging Wonder: or.. second. ok
BlackFalconKN: ha!
KermitBJF: third
Itsa me Karl: Kyle
Itsa me Karl
: Your silence begins now
Itsa me Karl
: You are safe.
: wooga!
Charlie Girl 63: wtg Kyle
Engaging Wonder: oh my god. that's bad even when it's not for me
KermitBJF: congrats
BlackFalconKN: see y'all on the other side (hopefully)
MystikalBlondie: wtg!
BlackFalconKN has left the room.
Itsa me Karl: Jeff, you wanted to go second right?
Engaging Wonder
: yeah
Itsa me Karl: Jeff
Itsa me Karl
: Your silence begins now.
Itsa me Karl
: You are safe.
Engaging Wonder
: ...thank you
Charlie Girl 63: wtg Jeff!
MystikalBlondie: Congrats Jeff!
Kimberly6232: yay!
MystikalBlondie: Damnit! I closed ThePauly's IM on accident!
Engaging Wonder: do i have to leave?
Itsa me Karl: yeah
Engaging Wonder
: alright. good luck to the rest of ya
Engaging Wonder has left the room.
Itsa me Karl: Brady, you want to go next?
: yeah..
Itsa me Karl: Brady
Itsa me Karl
: Your silence begins now.
Itsa me Karl
: You are safe.
: OH JESUS!! oh god oh god oh god
Kimberly6232: Yay!!! Go Brady!
MystikalBlondie: Woohoo!
Charlie Girl 63: wtg Brady!
KermitBJF: thank you!
KermitBJF: :-) good luck you guys.
KermitBJF has left the room.
MystikalBlondie: *waves her Pom-poms*
Charlie Girl 63: lol
Itsa me Karl: Who is next?
: Me ;-)
MystikalBlondie: j/k
Itsa me Karl: Erin, you want to go next?
: I got an exemption. so I don't care ;-)
Itsa me Karl: We'll wait in silence for 5 seconds :-)
MystikalBlondie: lol
Charlie Girl 63: lol
MystikalBlondie: k, I'm safe. Next?
Itsa me Karl: Kimberly or Alice.
: alphabetical order. Me last.
Charlie Girl 63: hummm.....
Charlie Girl 63: lol
Charlie Girl 63: me
Itsa me Karl: Alice
Itsa me Karl
: Your silence begins now.
Itsa me Karl
: I'm sorry Alice you are the mole's second victim.
: Oh no!
MystikalBlondie: *huggles Alice*
Charlie Girl 63: damn, damn, shit
Kimberly6232: So sorry Alice
MystikalBlondie has left the room.
Charlie Girl 63: it's cool, I had fun
Itsa me Karl: Kimberly, please leave this room/
has left the room.
Itsa me Karl: Hey Alice, before you go, we need to discuss your final testimony.
Charlie Girl 63
: k
Itsa me Karl: You now hold the Weekly Advantage, the ability to increase one players quiz by 1 point.
Itsa me Karl
: Out of the 8 remaining players, who would you like to give it to and why
Charlie Girl 63
: Camm
Itsa me Karl: Very well, please step back into the main room with me for your final goodbyes.
Charlie Girl 63
has left the room.