3rd Season: Shaken Not Stirred

Are you surprised that you were executed? At this point in the game?
 A bit, but only because I thought I knew who the mole was.
What do you think your mistake was on the quiz that caused you to be one
of the lowest scorers? 
Going all out on someone that wasn't the mole. 
Do you think you would have normally been executed if it wasn't for the revolver
I dunno, probably because, did I mention I went all out on the quiz? 
How was the revolver game? Did you think it was fair, do you hold any regrets?
I think it was rather fair. If I were right in my guess, I would still be in the game. The only
regrets/unfairness I could have is if the person who I thought was the mole actually had 
the lowest score. If they did and were executes, then I'd still have a chance. But if they
weren't I'd prob assume I was right and wind up gone the next week. 
What was your best experience in the game up to this  point? What was your
favorite challenge?
My best experience was getting to know everyone at least a little bit. As for my favorite 
challenge, I'd have to say the blockbusters game for all of the "powermonkey" buzz-ins.
Is there anyone in the game you’re going to miss?  Anyone you won't miss?
I'm going to miss everyone because there was some quality about each of them that 
made them worth being with. There is one person I won't miss and that's Karl. He's the 
suckiest host ever. I hate him. :P
As the outgoing player, you are allowed to give any one player, 1 Bonus point 
on their quiz this round.  Please choose who you’d like to give this Weekly 
Advantage to and why. 
  Like I said I liked everyone and at this point I'd
hate to give the mole the point... or would I? (evil
grin) But since I don't know who the mole is, I'll
just roll a die since there are 6 left. Going from 1-6
in alphabetical order and it's..... 6 so Paul.


"I actually was getting tired of not knowing, so I went with my best guess to either know and have a shot of winning or lose and not have to rack my brain anymore. I'm trying for the real mole if they bring it back to civilian players, so pull for me if they do. Have fun y'all."