3rd Season: Shaken Not Stirred

Full Name: Aaron D. Lee
Birthday: 08/31/86
Birthplace: Dallas, Texas
Hometown: Dallas, Texas
Zodiac sign: Virgo

Shoe size: 10 1/2
Height: 5'11
Weight: 142

Pets: 2 cat and a dog
Siblings: 2 sisters
Eye color: Gray
Hair color: Blond
Do you have braces? No
Do you wear glasses/ contacts? Yes, both

Nicknames: Curly (because I have curly hair)
Foreign Languages Spoken: Latin

Dream occupation: Be a Crime Scene Investigator.
Do you believe in god? Yes, I believe in God.
What was the worst experience of your life? Being embarrassed, I get embarrassed easily.
What is your most embarrassing experience? Well, there's been a lot, but the worst one would be at camp, we were playing this game where we had to go find the counselors who were hiding, it was dark outside and me and a couple of my friends were walking along. We got to this thing of tall grass, which I thought to myself, 'Hey just jump across it'. Well the tall grass ended up being a creek that dropped about 5 feet to the ground, which I fell into and my friends all laughed at me.
What has been the best experience of your life? Hanging out with my friends.
What are your priorities in your life? Friends, Family, School, Church and my relationship with God.
What are you afraid of in life? Nothing except for death by drowning.

What are your 'before-bed' rituals? Tell my parents goodnight, brush my
teeth, put on my pajamas, turn on my cd player, then finish up my hour left
of homework I have every night.
What do you regret doing in your life? I don't regret anything [in] my life.