3rd Season: Shaken Not Stirred
Are you surprised that you were executed? At this point in the game? No I had a bad feeling all day, that's why I turned my quiz in so late. What do you think your mistake was on the quiz? Either that it was late or I just didn't know who the mole was. And I just had to guess on some of the questions because I was pressed for time. What was your best experience in the game up to this point? Making it to the second round. What was your favorite challenge? That would have to be the Acquaintance Challenge. Is there anyone in the game you’re going to miss? Oh Karl, you know I will miss you the most...lol...I will miss everyone, this is the greatest group of people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. As the outgoing player, you hold the WEEKLY ADVANTAGE in your hand. You are allowed to choose one player that you would like to receive 1 extra bonus point on their quiz this week. Who would you like to give it to, should you want to give it away: Camm because I would like to see if win, if he's not the mole that is. If he is, I've been duped...lol |
"Good luck to everyone left in the game and beware the Mole is out to get you!" |