3rd Season: Shaken Not Stirred
Full Name: Kimberly
A. Turner Birthday: 06/23/75 Birthplace: Waukegan, Illinois, USA Hometown: Dexter, Missouri, USA Zodiac sign: Cancer/Gemini Cusp |
Shoe size: Round about a 9
Height: 5'10"
Weight: You're kidding, right?
Pets: Three cats: Guster, Max and Grey Girl
Siblings: One awesome brother, six years younger
Eye color: Dark Brown
Hair color: Blonde
Do you have braces? Not anymore
Do you wear glasses/ contacts? Yep
Nicknames: Kimmy, Kimba,
Kimber (you get the picture), Grammar Girl, along with a variety of
embarrassingly sweet
nicknames from my husband
Foreign Languages Spoken: Un poco Spanish...I'm rusty these days
Dream occupation: Editor
of my own magazine, "Sponge" or owner of an animal shelter
Do you believe in god? I am skeptical but open-minded, spiritual but not
religious, confused but scientific
What was the worst experience
of your life? Saying goodbye to my family and friends when I left to move to
What is your most embarrassing experience? Having my armpit licked by a
"Jerry Springer" guest
What has been the best experience of your life? Living overseas because I
gained confidence in my ability to build a life from scratch without a support
network and I got a lot of perspective from living for years within another
What are your priorities in your life? My family and friends mean
everything to me, that's a cliched answer, but it's true. Adventure and
excitement are also very high on my list of priorities. I get bored easily.
What are you afraid of in life? Being mediocre...also, I'm not too fond
of spiders, needles, meat and red-hot lava in my bed.
What are your 'before-bed'
rituals? I do all the usual teeth-brushin', contact-removin' stuff like
everybody else and then read in bed until I pass out.
What do you regret doing in your life? Nothing. Even the unpleasant times
have taught me lessons and made me who I am today. No regrets!