3rd Season: Shaken Not Stirred
"Nuke the rainforests!" "Well, I know some/most of you guys didnt believe my excuse to take the exemption in Wk 2 (that I was going away that weekend) but I guess here is the proof that it was true. In actuality, my niece was sick and I had to travel to Far North Queensland to be with his family. Turns out he was actually sicker than we thought and I had to satay on for a while. (Dont worry - he his much better now) Yeah, truthfully, if I could have found a PC, I would have Emailed Karl and quit the game outright, but (unfortunatly) that wasnt to be. I'm sorry, mate. I'm certain there wasnt a computer in that Town..LOL So YAY EVERYONE for making it this far - play hard, play strong, play fair, play dirty :p Most importantly, have a GREAT time doing it. GBye" |